Chevrolet Camaro Concept (2008), Class 6 Street
Level limit: 31
Level limit of stages: Stage1 (31), Stage2 (33), Stage3 (35), Stage4 (36), Stage5 (37), Stage6 (37) Level limit of stages: Stage1 (31), Stage2 (33), Stage3 (35), Stage4 (36), Stage5 (37), Stage6 (37)
Descrizione: la Camaro Concept è la reincarnazione delle prestazioni e della passione che fecero le Camaro di prima generazione alcune tra le più ricercate auto da collezionista, aggiornando la formula con motore molto efficente e un telaio sofisticato. Description: The Camaro Concept is the reincarnation of performance and passion that made the first-generation Camaros some of the most sought after collector cars, updating the formula with a very efficient engine and a sophisticated chassis.
Chevrolet Corvette C6 LS2 (2007), class 6 street
Level limit: 31
Level limit of stages: Stage1 (31), Stage2 (33), Stage3 (35), Stage4 (36), Stage5 (37) Level limit of stages: Stage1 (31), Stage2 (33), Stage3 (35), Stage4 (36), Stage5 (37)
Descrizione: L'elegante C6 Corvette LS2 è spinta da un potente 6 litri V8. Description: The elegant C6 Corvette LS2 is driven by a powerful 6-liter V8. L'eccellente equilibrio fa sì che questa Corvette si senta a casa propria in strada, così come in pista. The excellent balance makes this Corvette will feel at home in the street, as well as on the track.
Drivetrain: FR
Top Speed: 290 km/h OR 181 mph (312 km/h OR 195 mph) Top Speed: 290 km / h OR 181 mph (312 km / h OR 195 mph)
Power: 400 hp (475 hp) Power: 400 hp (475 hp)
Acceleration: 4.2 s (3.6 s) Acceleration: 4.2 s (3.6 s)
Deceleration Distance: 32.0 m (26.6 m) Deceleration Distance: 32.0 m (26.6 m)
Handling Upgrades: 0 % (39%) Handling Upgrades: 0% (39%)
Panama GT Ray (2003), class 6 street
Level limit: 31
Level limit of stages: Stage1 (31), Stage2 (33), Stage3 (35), Stage4 (36) Level limit of stages: Stage1 (31), Stage2 (33), Stage3 (35), Stage4 (36)
Descrizione: Ti piace andare a tavoletta? Description: Do you go full throttle? Vuoi un'auto con un'accelerazione fulminea? Do you want a car with lightning acceleration? Scegli la Panama, un'auto agile e molto forte che spaventa i tuoi avversari anche da ferma. Choose Panama, an agile and very strong scare your opponents even when stationary. Attenzione all'insolito compotramento in curva. Please note the unusual compotramento cornering
Drivetrain: RR
Top Speed: 298 km/h OR 186 mph (316 km/h OR 197 mph) Top Speed: 298 km / h OR 186 mph (316 km / h OR 197 mph)
Power: 381 hp (460 hp) Power: 381 hp (460 hp)
Acceleration: 4.3 s (3.4 s) Acceleration: 4.3 s (3.4 s)
Deceleration Distance: 34.0 m (27.6 m) Deceleration Distance: 34.0 m (27.6 m)
Handling Upgrades: 0 % (39%) Handling Upgrades: 0% (39%)
Soo..keep on race guy's tp get this awesome car on Fast Black
Most happy family racer on Fastblack online
Rabu, 17 November 2010
Selasa, 09 November 2010
AE86: An In-Depth Look at A Legend
Ever wonder what the origins of the AE86 were? or what the hell those model names mean? or even still what the differences were between all those models, body styles or trim specs? Well pull up a chair, slap on your readin’ glasses and get yourself a nice strong coffee, you’re about to be schooled in a little history – AE86 Style.
Toyota launched the AE86 in 1983 as part of the fifth generation Toyota Corolla lineup. It would be the last Corolla (AE) to be released in RWD format. The designers had been given a directive: Produce a car worthy of dedication as the last model in a line of true old-school white-knuckle driving Corollas.
In this spirit, Toyota Japan released two models. One sporting the latest in automotive design; the pop-up headlight. They named it the Trueno Sprinter. It’s brother in arms, carrying the much recognised and esteemed fixed-headlight design of ages-old was named the Corolla Levin. In Initial-D team we try to find the real drivers, how can ride this AE-86..Hehehee..plz join us !!
Toyota launched the AE86 in 1983 as part of the fifth generation Toyota Corolla lineup. It would be the last Corolla (AE) to be released in RWD format. The designers had been given a directive: Produce a car worthy of dedication as the last model in a line of true old-school white-knuckle driving Corollas.
Corus S3 1.3 VVT-S (2007), class 1 street
Drivetrain: FF
Top Speed: 190 km/h OR 118 mph (204 km/h OR 127 mph)
Power: 120 hp (138 hp)
Acceleration: 9.4 s (8.3 s)
Deceleration Distance: 52.6 m (46.7 m)
Handling Upgrades: 0 % (39%)
Top Speed: 190 km/h OR 118 mph (204 km/h OR 127 mph)
Power: 120 hp (138 hp)
Acceleration: 9.4 s (8.3 s)
Deceleration Distance: 52.6 m (46.7 m)
Handling Upgrades: 0 % (39%)
Parameter Spesifikasi upgrade LVL 1 s/d LVL 4
Berani coba pake ini di Fast Black ?
Sabtu, 06 November 2010
Our Intermezzo
Welcome, Selamat datang ...sugeng rawuh para racer online mania ...
Spesial buat para pemain aktif D1 alias Initial-D met dateng hehehehe, ini blog masih baru belom ada update. Disini kita lebih prefered tuk mengenalin Profile Teal D1 kita yg nurut gue unik dan menarik...No Loser here but Joker is Full hahahahaha.....Mudah2an betah di HQ sederhana kita dan tetep kompak ya..jalin silaturahmi ...inget pepatah banyak saudara banyak rejeki hahahaha...dah gt aja dulu silahkan comment apa aja wes ...hahahaha
Jumat, 05 November 2010
Initial D (bahasa Jepang: 頭文字D) adalah sebuah manga dan anime karya Shuichi Shigeno yang menceritakan tentang kisah balap mobil oleh seorang anak penjual tahu yang bernama Takumi Fujiwara (harap bedakan dengan tokoh bernama sama dalam manga Dear Boys). Ia sangat berbakat melakukan balapan drift menuruni gunung Akina yang terletak di Prefektur Gunma, Jepang. Anime ini juga sudah diadaptasi ke layar lebar oleh sineas Hong Kong pada tahun 2004 dengan alur cerita yang tidak jauh berbeda.
Filmnya terbilang tidak mengecewakan karena didukung oleh pemain-pemain film terkenal, seperti Jay Chou, Anthony Wong Chau-Sang, dan Edison Chen. Isi dari film ini sangatlah menarik karena banyak adegan balap mobil yang mengambil lintasan di kawasan pegunungan. Tokoh utama, Takumi Fujiwara, diperankan Jay Chou, sedangkan ayahnya yang bernama Bunta Fujiwara diperankan oleh Anthony Wong Chau Sang. Suatu hari, ada tim balap lain yang menantang tim balap lokal Akina, Akina SpeedStars. Akan tetapi, pimpinan SpeedStars, Itsuki (diperankan oleh Chapman To), tidak dapat mengalahkan salah satu anggota tim Miyogi Night Kids, Takeshi Nakazato, yang diperankan oleh Shawn Yue. Akhirnya, ayah Itsuki mengirim Takumi untuk melawan tim tersebut. Takumi yang masih duduk di SMA tahun kedua itu pun dapat dengan mudah mengalahkan Nakazato dengan mengendarai mobil tipe GT-R. Dari situlah, perubahan-perubahan pada kehidupan Takumi dimulai.
Bedanya, dalam versi manga, yang pertama kali melawan Takumi adalah Takahashi bersaudara dari tim Red Sun. Mereka mengendarai mobil tipe FC yang telah dimodifikasi dengan setelan yang cocok untuk digunakan berlomba di jalanan pegunungan Akina. Dalam cerita itu, banyak orang yang menduga bahwa lomba tersebut dapat dimenangkan dengan mudah oleh Takeshi bersaudara. Akan tetapi, dugaan tersebut dapat dipatahkan oleh Takumi dengan menempel ketat Takahashi (adiknya) yang menggunakan mobil Mazda FD3S. Walaupun Takumi kalah dalam adu sprint di lintasan lurus, tetapi ia mampu berada persis di belakang Takeshi saat menikung. Penonton pun dibuat tersentak ketika Takumi mengeluarkan segala daya upayanya dengan menyalip Takahashi pada tikungan terakhir. Pada akhirnya, Takumi yang menggunakan mobil tua tipe AE86 milik ayahnya pun mampu finish di urutan terdepan. Di Fastblack online team kami mecoba hadirkan pula kesederhanaan si Takumi dlm memainkan perannya sebagai sorang racer sejati dengan kesederhanaan pula kami hadir diantara glamournya team lain di sana. So no more talkless let goo to see our tactical team here ...
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